Lateral Roma is an independent art space located in the Appio Latino district of Rome, Italy. Lateral Roma was founded by Geraldine Tedder and Mathias Ringgenberg a.k.a PRICE in October 2020 and is run by a team of artists and curators, currently: Marta Federici, Jazmina Figueroa, Camilla Paolino, Jacopo Rinaldi and PRICE. We are a self-organized project broadening our program beyond exhibition formats into a wider field of exchange, production, and research.

Lateral Roma’s programming is based on lateral thinking. Lateral thinking, as opposed to vertical thinking, is rooted in the erotic; it is fantastical, even irrational thinking that does not follow an obvious train of thought. It challenges routine, pattern, and norm, representing their symbolic resistance. It is playful, sometimes strange and surreal, and follows principles such as mistake/accident/humor: “You can park anywhere you like, as long as you like, as long as you leave your headlights full on”.


23 May – 13 June, 2024: Alan Stefanato, Brilla Brilla e Scompari

Alan Stefanato’s practice is the result of an autodidact path, characterized by the expressiveness of the technique, the centrality of the pictorial sign, and its gradual dissolution. The exhibition Brilla Brilla e Scompari, welcomed by Lateral Roma and curated by Sergey Kantsedal, highlights the synthesis of the various languages the artist uses, such as painting, sculpture, and writing. The exhibition introduces a new assemblage of works contained in suitcases. Portable and free of the constraints imposed by a definitive exhibition format, these works emphasize the ephemeral and itinerant nature of the exhibition. Both object and subject, the suitcase not only physically transports the painting, but also preserves it intimately. The suggestion of the journey, as a tangible path and mental experience, is enhanced by a narrative dimension embodied in the series of poems written by the artist, which accentuate the tension between reality and fiction. Inspired by the names of the paintings in the exhibition, such as Shine Shine and Vanish, A Race Against Time, Ghost Salad, and others, the small stories-anecdotes are gateways to a universe of fragments and suggestions that unfold through visions and associations, painting a picture of daily life permeated by an erratic, at times melancholy, sense. Each work is nourished by a rich mosaic of references and feelings evoked by the wandering experience, weaving a narrative that transforms painting into a form of visual storytelling. 

–exhibition text by Sergey Kantsedal, translated by Giulia Lenti


NO MOVES TO INNOCENCE: A statement by Lateral Roma to address concerns among cultural workers and artists, published by NERO, read here.

Lateral Roma
Via Ferdinando Ughelli 28
00179 Roma RM